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Welcome to eziine.com

This is a site by a guy called Chris Davis.

A good friend suggested that some of my diverse ideas, concepts, images and videos could benefit from being brigaded together in one place.

With a fuller description of the background and thinking that fed the more arcane ones.

I had been toying with the idea of a general web site for some time and had already registered this domain name.

So here it is.


This site’s contents require effort, intellectual curiosity and a sense of humour.  They may explore subjects that could offend some people – so if you are feeling a bit sensitive at the moment – now may not be the best time to explore further.

Also if you hold strong views or beliefs on any of the matters that have divided mankind, caused it to go to war etc. then this is probably not going to be your sort of thing.

However, while we enjoy the “freedom of choice” it is for you to exercise your choice as to whether or not you venture further.
